2024 Property Tax Assessments Are Being Mailed Now
Local assessors are currently sending notices to property owners informing them of the 2024 assessed values of their properties. These assessments will be used to determine your summer and winter tax bills for 2024 and will impact your taxes for years to come.
Business Property is Frequently Over-Assessed
Commercial and industrial properties are frequently over-assessed. Assessors often do not take into account the reduced income potential that some properties have in the aftermath of COVID-19, such as from reduced occupancy rates or traffic. Assessors may also improperly value a property after a sale, change of circumstances, or improvement.
If you have recently purchased a commercial or industrial property, made significant renovations or improvements to your property, or if the income generated by your property has declined, you should see if we can help you get your tax bill lowered.
The savings can be significant. In 2023, we were able to obtain a reduction in taxable value from $20,400,000 to $11,000,000 for one of our commercial clients, saving it nearly
$1,000,000 per year in property taxes (past performance does not guarantee results).
Our Fees are Determined by Your Savings
We do not charge a fee unless and until we achieve a reduction in your taxes. Our fees are paid on a percentage of your savings for only the tax years at issue. Typically, one to two tax years are at issue in a case, but your tax savings can extend a decade or more. You are responsible for the out-of-pocket costs of the case, like filing fees and appraisals.
There are Strict Deadlines to Appeal Your Assessment
The State of Michigan imposes strict and tight deadlines on tax appeals. Contact Matt Schenk at or (313) 492-5949 for more information.
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