Government Law & Contracting

At Schenk & Bruetsch, we understand how local and state governments work. Our attorneys have been at the center of many of the region’s most significant government projects. We constantly work with key leaders at all levels of government, allowing us to assist clients in maneuvering through the bureaucracy in the areas of procurement, bid protests, permitting, drainage charges, licensing, or tax foreclosure. Also, our attorneys have the relationships and contacts necessary to introduce new concepts and suggest solutions to complex problems. Partner Matt Schenk has twenty years of experience working in high profile positions within the City of Detroit, Wayne County, and the Great Lakes Water Authority. Partner Brian Summerfield is the former president and treasurer of the Grosse Pointe School Board and has provided legal advice to private schools. Partner Tom Bruetsch has experience in election law and campaign finance and years of experience working on complex government litigation such as Wayne County’s Jail Consent Agreement, class action basement flooding matters, and fiduciary duty litigation for retirement boards. Partner James Allen is a seasoned litigator who specializes in municipal issues.